Village Software | Browse posts tagged 'Village Culture'

Browse content tagged 'Village Culture'


Career spotlight: A Graduate Developer's first 6 Months at Village

"The old cliché of software developers working alone in a dark office couldn’t be further from the truth at Village."


University life vs work life

I started my placement with Village Software 5 months ago. I’ve been in education all my life with only the odd part-time job here and there, so I was a little nervous! I…


2020: Let's Get Productive

The UK statistics society has given the UK productivity growth  of 0.3% in the 2010’s the accolade of “statistic of the decade”. By comparison spending on the NHS rose by…


There’s definitely a chilli in the air ...

The pressure of being a judge is not to be underestimated. Not exactly to RHS standards but by carefully ignoring all the various subterfuge plots, and following the rule…


It’s not just the weather that’s getting hot

Our Village chilli challenge is well underway! Windowsills are packed with flourishing plants and some have little warming UV lights. So if you happen to spot the lights…


Celebrating Margaret's 25th year at Village

Last week we celebrated Margaret’s 25th anniversary at Village. From her accidental fall into programming many years ago while inventing a function-like notation for knit…


Work ≠ Stress

May 14th – 20th is Mental Health Awareness Week, this year the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) is focusing on Stress. Stress is something that affects both our mental and…


Data Quest Round Up

The first ever Village Data Quest is complete! Data Quest is a programming competition conceived by the Business Intelligence team here at Village, aimed at raising the p…


Introducing: The Village Data Quest

We have been planning the Village Data Quest, a BI puzzle to talent spot the upcoming talent in business intelligence. Under our Data Quest Moto 'Habeo Omnes Oves' (if yo…

Michael Banner 19/01/2018

Making a 'Special Contribution' Beyond the Code

The fact I am writing this post on the Village Software website probably gives away the fact that I am a software developer in my day job. However, there is a little more…